The Greatest Changes CAN Take Place FROM HERE ONWARD!

Okay, before I get going here, I need to tell you that this is mostly an update of something I wrote back in 2009. No matter, though, it’s as relevant today as it was back then…

I know, hockey seasons are winding down right now.  And, although a lot of folks view hockey time as something like September to March (or April), I have to share a different — very important — slant on that…

From a coaching perspective, there hasn’t been a lot new that I could do with my players over the past month (and probably longer).  Mostly we’ve been keeping up our conditioning, polishing the same old skills, and just fine tuning our X’s and O’s.  All the while — in the back of my mind — I’ve been making mental notes about the sweeping changes I’ll install next season.  And, make no mistake about it, sweeping changes usually do have to wait.  (For some coaches, new approaches might have to be delayed until you meet with your teams next fall.  In my case, I’m lucky, in that my next year’s teams start working out pretty soon — in late May.)

As a hockey parent, let me use my grandson as an example (as I so often do)…  Since he reported to school last September, he’s been in the charge of his college coach.  Yes, my young buddy has had a commitment to his coach and to his teammates, and that isn’t going to end until he returns home in mid-May.  If you see what I’m getting at here, there’s only one time of the year when he can make some major changes in his game — on an individual basis, and that time is during the off-season.  Once again, come about Labor Day here in the United States, he’ll be the property of his college program.

How about adult players?  Well, although you and guys like my grandson can work on your games a little during the winter, the greatest changes can only come when you’re not confined to team obligations.

As I and all our other great writers have advised, recent late winter weeks were the right time to take an accounting of a player’s or a team’s needs.  Oh, there’s still some time to do that, but I wouldn’t delay.  For, armed with that information, we’re going to shortly take some major strides together — as parents, coaches and players.  So, be ready!

For sure, we’re going to share numerous skill ideas and ways to improve qualities like speed, strength, endurance and so forth.  However, I’m going to soon kick things off with great ideas about research and planning.  So again, be ready.

Finally — and this is the reason I’ve chosen to write you right now…  While an awful lot of folks are going to put hockey out of their minds for a time (and while a short break from the game is good), now is the time when a lot of North America players can pass by everyone else.  I mean, a player can blow right by all those who will be sitting on their hands all spring and summer, and a coach who starts studying and organizing pretty shortly is going to find himself or herself far ahead of others when the fall arrives.

PS:  If you’re worried that isn’t going to address your specific needs, why not use our Ask The Coach feature or a comment slot below to tell me (or other writers) exactly what you’d like to see?

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